India’s 71st Independence Day Celebration at 1st Presbyterian Church Iselin, NJ
India’s 71st Independence Day Celebration and Flag Hoisting Ceremony was organized by Indo American Cultural Society at 1st Presbyterian Church Iselin, NJ. The atmosphere was filled with patriotic fervour with non-stop patriotic songs being played.

strong Democratic party activist and Hillary Supporter, Senator Samuel D. Thompson of 12th Dist. Peter Kothari President
Indo American Cultural Society, Edison Mayor Tom Lankey, Rajeev Bambri, COO of and Naresh Shah of Vraj Yatra, NJ
Peter Kothari, President of the organization stated that this Flag Hoisting event is being organized since last 17 years. He has seen people’s interest in the event grow with every passing year. He thanked all sponsors, volunteers, committee members, musicians and singers of the musical group.
Dance groups gave an excellent performance.
The event was attended by the large crowd and dignitaries from far and near along with local leaders.

Edison Mayor Tom Lankey, hoisted the Indian Flag. Indian food was enjoyed by all. Special appreciation was conveyed to the Sandhya Patel of AVSAR for designing the stage and the flag hoisting area beautifully.