
Pakistan Floods: Tears of her Founders.

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By Sajjad Suhail-Sindhu, The India observer, TIO, NJ: Pakistan’s floods have seen to it that both the poor and middle class have finally met with equally damning punishment, a most resolute and unequivocal Judgement of nature. Shared Images and videos have shown the world, the true underbelly of an undeveloped land, devoid of reservoirs, viaducts and dams and drains, which, had they already been in place, would have saved at least 75% of the land and the people. While it is a natural, part of the ever burgeoning climate related event, that other areas of the planet also suffer, the display however, of sheer wrath, surely singles out Pakistan, front and center of this Climate related catastrophe.

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Those who think, surely, are asking, why Pakistan, and exactly whose door ought one to be knocking, to ask the difficult questions that need to be asked. If a learned man searches his mind to find answers, in relating these matters, he must want to take a pause and think of events past, in light of which, he may utter: “ what a Shakespearean tragedy”, for surely this country can easily be seen to be so, for she answers to all the elements that come together in being such a tragedy.

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Perhaps a closer study of each such element in relation to Pakistan ought to be left for another article, for in this, I specifically want to bring to the fore those who are in control, and those who do their bidding. So let me think and talk of all those that live there, and what each thinks and how each responds. But for all it’s worth, what is undeniable is that those in power are incapable of thinking, for so poorly are they educated. And, those ruled by these imbeciles, learn from them the ways and means of theft and dishonesty.

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The bearded types tell the populace, that these are signs of “Kiamatt”, the day of judgement. The poor, with clean hearts until they are corrupted, yearn to be given a chance in life, spend their days in prayers and turn every which way that gives them hope. The infirm too, look forward to a tomorrow that is better than yesterday.

Who then has time to delve into matters of truth and therein dwell long enough to parse that truth ?

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This race of believers lost her footing long ago and, from her memory disappeared the seeds of what it was that needed growing for nourishment and which weeds were poison. From the minarets of every mosque of which there are at least two in every neighborhood, spew sentiments of how we have turned away from God and how we are being punished. The answers to which no one has, nor is anyone willing to say that perhaps it is this, this interpretation of our religion that gives both a shield to the wrong doer, and takes away from the hands and arms of the zealots, the means to bring about a change, “for all things can be achieved through prayer”, as a famous song bids the truth seekers to listen.

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Everyone has the ability to think – they just don’t know “what” to think !

I, as author of this article, bid you to listen to the patterns of our time, for these are no idle events. These floods are nothing if not the tears of our heroes long dead, tears of our founders and others who walked amongst them. These are nothing if not a living reminder of their judgment upon us, and remind us of destinies we shape of our men and women. They Judge us, everyone of us. We must decide who we shall become. Among the sentries that remain standing surrounding us, one takes pains regularly to remind us of what we can be.

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Like the rising sun, or a fresh breath of air that forces itself into a room through an open window, he Invites you to face the dangers that he faces, dangers he will face first, alone, for he will not subject you to them that he himself does not face before you. Empty your minds and listen, to one who has spent his entire life watching developed nations and having learnt “what to think”,  I bid you listen to him, listen to one,  Imran Khan.

Also, Read more from this Author: Imran Khan, the modern-day Aristotle, the Philosopher King

Curated and Compiled by Humra Kidwai

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