Bombshell Leak Confirms Widespread Police Abuses
U.S. policing being totally out of control is a no shocker now. Every day it is the same, there are shreds of evidence all around us that reveal how the police behave when nobody is watching.
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By Adam Rizvi, New York, TIO: Black men have been repeatedly shot in the back and suffocated to death on the street. Police armed with surplus military grenade launchers and tanks have tear-gassed peaceful protestors. Despite the endless abuses no one ever seems to be held accountable.
But an extensive leak of documents from the U.S. police departments across the country is casting new light on the systemic racism, corruption, and incompetence that allow these police abuses to continue and nothing seems to change.

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In June, a cache of files known as “BlueLeaks” was hacked from 251 FBI and local police websites. Shortly after the files were published on the internet, the server that was being used to distribute the files was seized — but The Intercept has its copy, and their investigative journalists are poring over every page and uncovering one bombshell after another. The Intercept’s groundbreaking investigative journalism and the team poring through the BlueLeaks files to uncover the systemic racism and abuses in U.S. policing is revealing how the police behave for real.
The latest stunning revelations include how police exaggerated the supposed threat of Antifa to justify escalating violence against protesters. They also uncovered how the FBI chased nonexistent “eco-terrorists” and how police are using debunked junk science on lie detection in crime investigations.
The Intercept’s reporting has revealed how law enforcement targeted political activists in Minneapolis after the George Floyd police killing and then exaggerated the threats from protesters to justify escalating police violence.
They documented how President Donald Trump’s Homeland Security shock troops targeted immigration rights activists at the border.
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Junk science lies detector tests. Routine disregard for civil liberties. Blatant racism and just plain stupidity. BlueLeaks reveals evidence of all these and more rampant in U.S. policing.
The BlueLeaks data dump could have a dramatic impact on the public’s understanding of U.S. police violence and abuse. But what they have uncovered so far is just the tip of the iceberg, and they must keep digging.
Compiled and Curated by Maham Abbasi
Source: The Intercept