We Must Vote Today. No Matter What!
our vote is important even if there is a sizable lead. We need to vote because, if nothing else, Trump’s win, as well as Brexit, has shown us that no election result is a foregone conclusion. Moreover, even if one candidate wins by a landslide, voting engages each of us and the Indian-American community into the political arena in a positive way. Politicians will pay attention to our concerns and issues. By spending a few minutes to vote, we are amplifying the voice of the Indian-American community. Also, as each of us votes, together, we will change the community norm to one of participation. If we want our children to think of themselves as true Americans, then, we need to set the example for them and vote because this is our home and we have a stake in its present and future.

Vote even if you don’t know the candidates very well. Everyone is busy, and people often don’t take the time to compare candidates, especially in local or county elections. While a knowledgeable voter is ideal, we need to vote even if all we know is what we read in one or two articles. Why? Because the very act of voting will make us more invested in the political process. We will actually await the results and perhaps read the post-election commentary. We might talk to each other or colleagues about the results. Perhaps, if our candidates win, we will want to follow-up to see how well they are doing their job. Perhaps, we might want to know exactly what does the local School Board or Assembly actually do? As we do any of these things, we become more and more a part of the social-political life in this country. And next time we come to the poll, we might come more prepared.