US Election Results Live: Biden closes the gap with Trump in Pennsylvania and Georgia
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By Adam Rizvi, Co-Edited by Maham Abbasi, NJ, USA. TIO: We are moving slowly but surely towards a winner …… It will be the test of time, we are going through some very crucial moments while the votes are being tallied and counted, America is anxious to know who will be the next President of the United States Of America. Democracy is on test too.
After Donald Trump suspiciously remarked of the election being ‘stolen’ from him by Democrats, many of his backers held demonstrations across the states. Chances of Trump reentering the White House continue to stumble after his lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan were dismissed.
BIDEN (Democrat)
264 Electoral Votes
TRUMP (Republican)
214 Electoral Votes
Total: 538 Majority: 270
Joseph R. Biden Jr. won ground in Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia on Thursday as the slow-moving vote count in those argued battleground states got him closer to achieving an electoral majority and defeating President Trump.
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As the country anxiously waited to learn the winner, both the candidates appeared to make remarks that were different in both tone and essence, quite dramatically!
In a brief appearance before reporters in Wilmington, Del., Mr. Biden said he remained confident that he would ultimately reach there but did not lay claim to the White House. Mr. Biden expressed how democracy can be messy sometimes and that it requires patience. “It sometimes requires a little patience as well. But that patience has been rewarded now for more than 240 years with a system of governance that’s been the envy of the world.”
He was calm but stressed, “each ballot must be counted.”
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Mr. Trump later lied about the vote-counting underway in several states, imploring up a conspiracy of legal and illegal ballots being tabulated and claiming without evidence that states were trying to deny him re-election, in a shocking appearance in the White House briefing room.
He dramatically expressed, “They’re trying to steal an election, they are trying to rig an election”. He also suggested nefarious behavior in Philadelphia and Detroit cities, without proofs, and called them “two of the most corrupt political places.”
Mr. Trump’s remarks were more like valedictory off notes. He spoke far from insisting that he would stay in power and used most of his time during this sudden appearance to complain about pre-election polls. He also shamed the media and did not take questions from reporters.
Mr. Trump, with all his complaints, has only himself and his own party to blame for the delayed vote count in a number of states.
Also, Read U.S. Elections: Fixing the flaws…
Compiled, Curated, and Co-Edited by Maham Abbasi.