
Shimla is under the grip of Islamophobia- Interview with a resident Activist

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By Syed Ali Mujtaba, Edited By Adam Rizvi, The India Observer, TIO: Muslims in Himachal Pradesh particularly in Shimla are presently being intimidated by the frenzied demand for demolishing the alleged illegal part of the mosque in Sanjauli. The Muslim community is also being blamed for migrating to the hill state for their livelihood purposes. The journalist had an online interview with activist Dimple Oberoi, a resident of Shimla and a social activist working for the rights of the minority community. Here is the Q&A that could illuminate the current situation in Shimla and Himachal Pradesh.

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Q- How is the current situation in Shimla about Sanjauli Mosque row?

A- The present situation is extremely worrisome and disturbing. I am deeply aggrieved by the gravity of circumstances built up in the last few weeks around the Mosque in the Sanjauli locality of Shimla. It is a matter of serious concern that there was mass mobilization against the construction of the Mosque in the city.

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Q- Is the Sanjauli Mosque the only unauthorized structure in Shimla?

 No. It is part of public knowledge that thousands of illegal constructions in Shimla but they are not being questioned. It is well known that the portions of the newly constructed wing of the Shimla Secretariat and High Court building, and several buildings of prominent locals, the elite, and capitalists, including temples are illegally constructed in Shimla. Many of those protesting against the Mosque may be involved in illegal construction. As per Municipal Corporation records, the fact is, that Sanjauli and other parts of Shimla are full of illegal buildings. It won’t be incorrect to say, that there are thousands of illegal buildings in Shimla.

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Q- Then why is the Mosque being singled out?

A – There is a global trend towards Islamophobia that we are all well aware of.  Then within our country too, for the last several years, much more than earlier times, we have witnessed a strong anti-Muslim wave. It is part of everyday knowledge of how the Muslim minority is being treated in India. Controversies are created and Muslims are being subjugated. Majoritarian politics has been divisive and has made deep inroads of ‘othering’ into the collective psyche.

The agitation around the Mosque should not be seen as a singular event but has to be contextualized within this larger scenario prevailing across the country.  It is a hegemonic process where anti-Muslim sentiments can be easily ignited.  The same is currently at work in Himachal Pradesh.

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History is witness to the fact that when the secular fabric of society is disturbed, majoritarian forces often assert their supremacy and collective power by making the minorities feel small and helpless.  This phenomenon is seen to be at work in Himachal Pradesh, just as in many other parts of India.

Q- What is the condition of the Muslim community in Shimla and  Himachal Pradesh?

A- The present situation is worrisome. As people belonging to Himachal Pradesh, we have not seen such mass mobilization against the Muslim community in the recent past. Muslims had a harmonious relationship with the Hindu community all these years.  Muslims have respected and blended themselves into the composite culture of Himachal Pradesh.

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However. this is not the present situation. Muslims in Shimla and Himachal Pradesh are feeling insecure and intimidated. To maintain communal harmony the WAQF Board has volunteered to demolish parts of the Mosque that were alleged to be unauthorized In my view, this should not have happened because it will reinstate the minority binary of Muslims and make them feel small and helpless. It needs to be reiterated that the part of the Mosque under controversy, whether legal or illegal, should not be demolished. As conscious citizens, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that Muslims are treated with respect and equality and there should be empathy between all communities.

Q- Are there any ripple effects of the controversy surrounding Sanjauli Mosque?

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A- Yes already news is coming from many parts of the state that the construction of several Mosques in other parts is being questioned. This is a very tension-provoking development.

Q- What is the insider versus outsider controversy in Shimla?

A-  There are two levels of discourses that are operating at present.  The questioning of the construction of the Mosques in Himachal on various grounds in several places, and the discourse of insiders and outsiders—migrant Muslims being Rohingyas and Bangladeshis. (At another level, we must ask ourselves where is this tendency to other the Bangladeshi and Rohingyas stems from. What is wrong with being a Bangladeshi or Rohingya?  Why must we always see them as the fear evoking ‘Other’? This discourse of ‘insiders’ vs ‘outsiders’ is alarming and deeply troubling for those on the social margins.

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We urge the political powers to safeguard the interests and protect the rights of the Muslims in Himachal where at present the Congress government is at the helm. We fear that ‘othering’ will continue to play a highly divisive role, making deeper inroads into the minds of ordinary citizens of Himachal Pradesh.

Q- Is there a politics of the opposition BJP in this simmering controversy?

A- The Hindutva party politics has a strong role in this simmering controversy. There is also a divide within the Congress which is also being utilized to the advantage of the opposition. However, even the party in power is not addressing the issue of what the minority community is being subjected to. Additionally, as I have said before, this is a complex matter in which anti-minority sentiments have made their inroads all around.

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The matter is not confined to the BJP or Congress but is one of deep hegemony against the Muslim 0community. This is the mindset of the State as well as the majority community.

Q- Do you think communal forces have a role to play in this controversy?

Saying that this only is a matter of illegal construction, and not paying heed to the communal shades is to ignore a situation that is getting out of hand. I feel this will have a grave consequence for our collective future.  We must acknowledge that communal factors played a role in this entire issue. After accepting this fact, the collective effort should be to sincerely try to reverse the ‘othering’ climate developing in Himachal Pradesh.  We must first acknowledge a problem and make reparative efforts to safeguard the minority community and build peace and harmony in the State.

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It could be fair that the Muslim minority community be allowed to co-exist with respect and dignity in Himachal Pradesh. For this, all efforts should be made to maintain the secular culture of the hill State. This is a trying time and needs collective reaction to build a climate of peaceful coexistence in the state.

Q- What do you suggest to be done to protect the Muslims in such circumstances?

A- The State of Himachal Pradesh must immediately take action and stop the rising tension in Shimla and all over the state. The State is ethically responsible for offering safety and full security to its minority communities.

The rational forces among the civil society should raise their voices to restore peace and communal harmony in the state. Amongst other steps to be taken, is immediate protection should be given to the Sanjauli Mosque, whether constructed legally or otherwise.

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The political parties are urged to safeguard the interests of the Muslims in Himachal Pradesh. I appeal to the present Congress government to protect the Muslims who have lived in peace and harmony for long years in the state.

I also urge the state government not to encourage the issue of ‘insider and outsider’ and to create an atmosphere of ‘othering’ the Muslims.  The state government must protect the rights of the Muslim community and should not demolish their places of worship.

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The government should also stand for the rights of the vendors and not make laws that will create further problems for their livelihood.  I also urge the political parties to respect the composite culture of the state and talk about inter-religious tolerance and inter-faith respect.  The State government must activate educational institutions and cultural forms to promote secular values. That’s the only way the future generations can imbibe true respect for composite cultural, and religious pluralism and create an inclusive society.

Curated and Compiled by Humra Kidwai

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Syed Ali Mujtaba

Syed Ali Mujtaba

Syed Ali Mujtaba is a Sr.Journalist, Author based in Chennai, India. Writes frequently for the USA based News Portal, TheIndiaObserver. He is author of the book Soundings on South Asia, New Dawn Press (2005). He can be reached at or TIO, at

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