
Rise in right wing nationalism and its impact on Muslim and other religious minority groups in America

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By Zaneb Syed, Edited By Vijaylakshmi Nadar, The India Observer, TIO: In recent years, the Muslim community in New Jersey has grown increasingly concerned about the rising influence of Hindutva among Indian immigrants. Hindutva, an ideology that seeks to establish Hindu dominance, often marginalizes religious minorities, particularly Muslims. Promoted by organizations like the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), this ideology has gained traction among some segments of the Indian diaspora in New Jersey.

The global rise of right-wing nationalism, especially under the leadership of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has significantly impacted Muslims in New Jersey. Policies such as the revocation of Article 370 in Kashmir and the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) have exacerbated fears of marginalization. These moves, seen as aggressive assertions of Hindutva, have sparked protests and deepened concerns among Indian Muslim immigrants about their safety and the fate of their families in India.

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The influence of Hindutva in New Jersey has also led to an increase in Islamophobia. There have been numerous incidents of discrimination and hostility toward Muslims, often from fellow South Asians. For instance, the “India Independence Day” parades in New Jersey have sometimes featured symbols and rhetoric linked to Hindutva, like the controversial display of a bulldozer in Edison, NJ, in 2022—a symbol associated with the demolition of Muslim properties in India.

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This rise in Hindutva influence has even seeped into local politics. Indian-American candidates with ties to Hindutva organizations have sought political office, raising concerns among Muslims about the potential importation of divisive, religiously motivated policies into New Jersey’s governance.

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The spread of Hindutva nationalism in New Jersey reflects a broader trend where international politics influence local social dynamics, heightening tensions between ethnic and religious groups. For the Muslim community, this trend threatens to erode the state’s multicultural fabric and exacerbates existing fears of Islamophobia. In response, Muslims in New Jersey have become more vocal, organizing protests, forming alliances with other minorities, and engaging with local politicians to counteract these developments.

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The situation in New Jersey illustrates the far-reaching impact of right-wing fundamentalism in the rest of America as well, hence the urgent need for vigilance and dialogue to protect minority rights and maintain social harmony is being increasingly felt and demanded.

Curated And Compiled By Adam Rizvi

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