Prof. Surraiya Hussain, Ex Head of Urdu Department, AMU, Dies
BOSTON/ July 1
By Adam Rizvi, Boston, July 01, USA: It is with profound sadness that I must announce here the passing away of Prof. Dr. Surraiya Hussain. She passed away peacefully in Boston at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital after a brief illness, She watched the performance at MIT on June 24th, 2018, and was in a good spirit, and died on June 29th, 2018, peacefully. The first Head of the Department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, Prof. Dr. Surraiya Hussain was a renowned name in academic and literary circles; she is survived by her dear daughters Dr. Deeba and Dr. Seema Hussain. Ammi, as she was fondly known to my generation, and to many as Apa & Professor Sahiba, will be deeply mourned by all, especially her dear grandchildren, Alia & Asrah Rizvi, and Naila & Yousuf Ismail, who are going to miss their grandmother deeply.
Dr. Hussain is feted as one of the most accomplished professors of languages from AMU and also as a most beautiful and most loving human being – widely known in the academic and literary circles in the Indo Pak subcontinent. Dr. Hussain’s demise has been mourned not just in America but by all who knew her or came in touch with her.
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A pall of gloom descended in her native Aligarh when news of her death reached there. Still a famous and respected name, she will always be fondly remembered there. In his condolence message Dr. Tariq Mansoor, Vice-Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, has mourned the death of Dr. Hussain and stated that her passing has left a deep void in the academic and literary circles. “For all those who treasure Urdu, not just in India but in Pakistan and everywhere where people cherished the language, her loss will be immensely felt,” he stated. She served the varsity not just as an academic but also in an administrative capacity as head of the department of Urdu from 11th July 1979 to 10th July 1984 and was also provost of the Abdullah Hall. Not just she, her predeceased husband, Late Dr. Izhar Hussain, was also attached to the Mathematics Department of the Aligarh Muslim University and also served as Dean for some time.
Prof Hussain was laid to rest at the Gardens of Gethsemane in West Roxbury, MA cemetery on Saturday. She is survived by her two loving daughters Dr. Deeba Husain (Wife of my elder brother Syed Ali Rizvi) and Dr. Seema Husain (w/o Farhan Ismail). Her death has left many, her nieces and other relatives saddened and heartbroken, to mourn her absence forever.
Extremely popular with her students and faculty she had cultivated a rich bond and culture. Dr. Surraiya had created a network of learning and learners around her, and maintained the rich culture of her roots, sharing that with her family and friends. She had authored a few books. A great communicator, despite her advanced age, she was active on social media and quick to respond to greetings and messages posted on Facebook. She last commented on my Facebook post, a photo of mine with my mother late Rais Fatima, with whom she was friends for decades before becoming a relative. Her warm and easygoing nature endeared her to all who came in touch with her.
It is with deep sadness that I bid adieu to her and request all to keep her and those she leaves behind in their prayers, to provide them with the strength to bear her loss.
Dua Goh
Adam Rizvi (Afzal)