
Popular Radio host Bill Spadea announced his gubernatorial bid, what’s in store for the voters?

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By Arun Ayyagari, Copy Edited By Adam Rizvi, The India Observer, TIO: One doesn’t need to be an Einstein to guess this, Mr. Spadea was an oft-mentioned prospective GOP candidate for a while now. This announcement of Bill Spadea was never a surprise, nor are the capabilities Mr. Spadea brings to the gubernatorial table. “A non-establishment candidate? aole! certainty not!”. This is the natural first reaction from the voters. However, electoral wisdom states otherwise. A candidature force to reckon with, Mr. Spadea comes with an envious constituent toolbox. Foremost among them are his problem-solving abilities, which are quintessential to any electoral race, more so for a statewide race. His consistent interaction with his listeners as a radio host which includes not just listening to their issues but also providing solutions to the issues would seamlessly convert his scores of listeners to prospective voters.  

This conversion is not a seasonal electoral transformation but an organic one. But wait, there’s more! Mr. Spadea not just continues to help his listeners with their problems in the community but also goes the extra mile in helping them with their personal issues as well. There are numerous occasions when listeners called into his show with joblessness and Mr. Spadea asks them to hold on the phone and transfers them to one of his aides. His prescience on public issues and an innate ability to plunge headlong into helpful action impresses voters and creates a long lasting feeling of gratitude. The conversion of gratitude to electoral trust is only natural.

Another magnetic ability of Mr. Spadea is vivid in his support to a cause(s). Bill in the past initiated several measures which include common sense, common ground, women for common sense etc.

These platforms in combination with his unbridled impetus towards focus on grassroots helped him reach a wider audience breaking through any contractual inhibitions which he might otherwise have faced as part of his radio contract.

Additionally, as a proven supporter of small businesses, Mr. Spadea stood alongside several businesses even during tough COVID times. This unfaltering support to the community registered in the minds of not just his listeners, but across all statewide listeners, in general.

As an electoral protraction, Mr. Spadea supported several capable, qualified, and like-minded candidates in the past, with a sole intention of sending capable candidates to the state legislature. Mr. Spadea complements his support with fundraising prowess. Like they say, money is the common official language of several fields.

Above are bound to establish Mr. Spadea’s strong foothold as a formidable opponent. This is where problem-solving trounces candidates with perennial campaign experience, establishment candidate(s) notwithstanding. Whether Spadea will rise to the occasion remains to be seen.

Curated and Compiled by Humra Kidwai

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