AARC’s appeal to vote for President Donald J. Trump
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Edited By Adam Rizvi, The India Observer, TIO: It was a tremendous successful evening at AARC’s APPEAL TO VOTE event, attended by Hundreds of people thrilled to vote for President Donald J. Trump and Republicans in this election. BILL SPEDEA, a well-known Republican Party leader, a prominent and popular radio host followed by millions in NJ and staunch supporter of President Trump, addressed the gathering and fired up the attendees to get out and vote. Rob Bengivenga, Chairman, Middlesex County Republican Organization, appealed to vote and invited AARC to be extended hand of MCRO. AARC’s leaders Hemant Bhatt, Sridhar Chillara, Dharmesh Patel, Sanjiv Pandya, Parth Patel, Tarang Soni, Samir Raval, Nimish Patel, Manisha Bhatt,
Dilip Bhatt and many put together this wonderful event. Rosy Thakkar, President & Co-Founder, United For Impact,
Former Chairwoman, Montgomery GOP
Board Member, Jersey 1st has coordinated with Bill Spedea to be Guest of honors and many dignitaries like Christine Glassner, Surrogate of President Trump, Pat Johnson- Mercer county Chair, Hon Tim Howes- former Somerset County Chair to be at the event.
Curated by Humra Kidwai